Available: 01/13/23– 03/14/23
Pricing: FREE - $0
Since 2016 Certified Peer Specialists with lived experience in carceral systems have been trained and employed as Forensic Peer Mentors (FPM). Supported by the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, the FPMs serve returning citizens who have behavioral health conditions - substance use and/or mental health - in accountability courts, prisons, jails, reentry facilities, day reporting centers and recovery community organizations. This session overviews the development of the FPM curriculum and ongoing workforce development initiatives including the monthly learning community. Our emphasis is on celebrating prosocial living and progressive recovery including the collaborative contributions of Community Supervision Officers and other allies.
Learning Objectives:
Explain the preparations used to inform the development of the 5-day forensic peer mentor (fpm) ready4reentrytraining including data gathered from listening sessions around the state.
Describe the returning citizens’ and the communities’ roles as the foundational Crime Desistance Theory of the FPM training.
Review the impact of FPMs on metrics of our communities’ safety and health.
Learn More: https://education.smiadviser.org/diweb/catalog/item?id=11099514&utm_source=Mailchimp&utm_medium=Email