California behavioral health organizations (any type) may use this site to advertise job opportunities for peer professionals on the CAPP Peer Job Portal. All CAPP members have access to the CAPP Peer Job Portal.
To submit a job, complete the form below. The information you provide will be updated on the CAPP Peer Job Portal within 48 hours.
Note: We only ask for your contact information on this form should CAPP staff have questions about your job posting. This information is not shared with members, unless you are also the contact for applicants.
If you need assistance please email capp@calvoices.org.
Your submission will be removed from the Job Portal after 60 days. If your position is still available please come back and repost the opportunity.
Your Information
Please provide your contact information. This is only collected so that CAPP staff can contact you if they have questions about your job posting. This information is not shared with members, unless you are also the contact for applicants.
Position Information
You may also write continuous or until filled. Please do not write TBD.
Thank you for submitting a job to the CAPP Member Job Portal. Your job should appear within 48 hours. Submissions are only active for 60 days.